Positive Organizational Culture & Modern Era

by James
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Positive organizational culture is crucial for an organization or business’s success. A positive culture can create positive results, and precisely, by conducting a business analysis observation, we will find out how positive culture in organizations is having a significant impact on business revenue, health, sales, and many more other factors.

This article will discuss why organizations, businesses and companies must create a positive organizational culture. After reading this article, we will gain a perfect sentiment of positive organizational culture and its benefits.

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What is Organizational Culture?

In recent years, organizational culture has become an essential factor for researchers and organizations in different industries. They have found out that a good and positive organizational culture can lead an organization to success. However, first, let us comprehend what organizational culture is.

According to studies, an organization’s culture determines the appropriate path to act. This culture holds beliefs and values specified by leaders of that organization and will be followed by all employees. Organizational Culture is also can be called an organization’s behavioural structure.

Importance of Organizational Culture

Organizational Culture is important because it will define employees’ behaviour within themselves and with customers in different situations. For instance, in a specimen organization named X, one of the critical factors of culture is always to respect customer needs first. Eventually, when managers are implemented and act on this value, employees are also following their steps, putting customers’ needs first all the time. Moreover, organizational culture and growth can foster humanistic values in employees and all organization members.

According to E. C. Martins and F. Terblanche, there are two primary organizational culture mindsets: the roles of organizational culture and the impact that organizational culture has on the various operations in the organization.

Moreover, there are two steps in enabling an organizational culture. First, individuals must prepare for accepting specific organizational culture, and the organization and system need to implant steps to keep organizational culture safe.


Types of Organizational Cultures

This article will examine twelve types of organizational cultures, but we have focused on four types. Organizational cultures are Adhocracy, Hierarchy, Market, Purpose, Learning organizational, Enjoyment organizational, Results in organizational, Authority organizational, Safety organizational, Order organizational, and Caring organization.

Now let us see how four major organizational culture types can shape an organization’s culture:

  • Adhocracy culture: active, entrepreneurial culture
  • Clan culture: people-oriented, sociable cooperate culture
  • Hierarchy culture: systematic-oriented, structured control culture
  • Market culture: results-oriented, competitive contest culture


Top 2020 Companies with Best Organizational Culture

This part will analyze top companies with the best organizational culture and workplace culture during 2020. We chose this year because of changes that no one has ever experienced before, and it was a challenge for many organizations and companies all over the world.

According to Forbes, they have analyzed top big companies using surveys and data analysis. The top five companies with the best organizational cultures in 2020 are Google, Adobe, HubSpot, Zoom and RingCentral.

Companies are constantly working on their organizational culture to create the best possible environment for their employees and customers. This report analyzed small companies with the best culture as well; we have listed the top five below:

1. Eargo
2. Pendo

3. EQRx

4. GoodRx

5. Alida

Positive Results for Employees & Good Organizational Culture

According to Deal and Kennedy, organizational culture consists of four main elements: Values, Heroes, Rituals, and Cultural networks. A good organizational culture will provide a healthy workplace for employees, and it will lead each individual and team to use their maximum ability and power. In addition, they can create a solid and critical connection between themselves and managers, and communication is essential for all organizations.

For instance, an organization with excellent and healthy culture will encourage employees and their behaviour to be at its best.

How Organizations Can Create a Positive Culture

As mentioned in this article, a positive culture starts within individuals in an organization and will be controlled and maintained by a leadership team. However, in a workplace, leadership affects the workplace culture considerably. A positive workplace culture enhances teamwork, boosts enthusiasm, augments productivity, and improves workforce loyalty to the organization. Also, job pridefulness, cooperation, and work implementation are all improved. Moreover, a positive work environment lessens stress and anxiety level in employees.

According to Deloitte research, 94% of managers and 88% of employees think a separate corporate culture is vital to triumph in business and their company. Deloitte’s survey also discovered that 76% of these employees thought that a clear business strategy helped create a positive and healthy culture.


Now let us explain how organizations and businesses can create a positive culture between managers and employees:

Specify straightforward atmosphere and values for the organization: This will help you and your employees have a clearer vision of the next steps.

Encourage cooperation and communication between managers and employees: This will help the business grow faster and enable problem-solving functions to run faster in the organization.

Build an inclusive work environment: This enables each employee to achieve their ability at its highest level.

Develop clear objectives and prizes for the employees: There are many ways to encourage and help employees always function at their highest, and this strategy can help significantly.

Creating a positive organizational culture is vital for companies to achieve their highest employees’ ability to work and grow.

Can Positive Organizational Culture Be Detrimental?

This paper focused on why companies and organizations must have a positive organizational culture. This part will discuss subterfuges about positive organizational cultures and how close they are to reality. Most valuable companies are trying to create a positive culture. Still, in some countries, we can see that governments and the elite system are trying to control organizations and prevent them from constructing a positive culture because they believe this will lead to loss of control and more inclusiveness for employees.

First, we would like to mention the disadvantages of organizational culture. The following discussion would be about how some organizations are pushed not to create a positive organizational culture.

The Disadvantages of Corporate Culture | Negative or Bad Culture

Organizational cultures are not always positive and productive. Sometimes companies cannot determine which culture is appropriate, and they may create the wrong kind of culture that these consequences will follow:

-Imperfect Communication

-Micromanagement & Meddle Management

-Lenity to Deficient Rituals & Habits
-Low Concentration in the Workplace

-Weal Leadership & Management

These consequences can happen if companies follow poor and bad organizational cultures.


This article explained why organizations and companies must strive to create a positive culture. Nevertheless, first, we explained what organizational culture is and its components. And then, we followed the importance of organizational culture. Then we analyzed different types of organizational cultures by covering these root explanations. Also, we showed the top 2020 companies with the best organizational culture.

By following a specific rhythm in this article, we checked the positive results of having a positive culture within an organization. Then, finally, we explained how an organization and business could create a positive and healthy culture by following simple but critical steps and strategies. The importance of positive culture in organizations will be more imminent in the coming years because cultural awareness among humans and the workforce has increased immensely in recent years.

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